All posts about: Atlantik

The Blue Planet Odyssey and Pacific Odyssey fleet set sail from Martinique

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The Blue Planet Odyssey fleet set sail this morning with promises to return to lovely Martinique — but first they plan to sail around the world.

s/v Maggie

The Odyssey fleets have had the …

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Atlantic Odyssey 2: Day 10

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CALYPSO 1 Calypso 1 have an electrical failure and have had to shut down all systems. They are all currently okay!

THEMI 50 Light easterly winds 15 knt. Heading still SE due to wind conditions …

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Martinique Farewell Party

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Spirits were high as the Blue Planet Odyssey and Pacific Odyssey fleets assembled Saturday evening for the Skippers Briefing.

Yvonne Tritz, Deputy Mayor of Marin and President of the Tourist Board attended the briefing and …

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Key West Departure For No Regrets

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No Regrets, a US-flagged Atlantic 42 catamaran, finally left Stock Island Marina in Key West on 18th January, just over one week after the ‘official’ start of the Blue Planet Odyssey.

Bill Dickson sounds …

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Atlantic Odyssey 2: Day 9

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THEMI 50 Had various winds during the night with forces between 15 and 40 Knt. Influenced by clouds and rain but made still good progress. Everything is fine on board.

Gestern haben wir …

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Atlantic Odyssey 2: Penny Lane Day 7

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The mystery of our wacky GPS positions has been solved, with help from Pascal and the Cornell Sailing crew.

What was happening was that our Iridium GO sat phone, fixed to the wall next …

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The Blue Planet Odyssey fleet talks fishing with 2 special Martinique fishermen

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After a busy day spent preparing for Sunday’s departure for the San Blas islands, the Blue Planet Odyssey fleet kicked back and took advantage of a special opportunity to share fishing techniques.

The Blue …

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Atlantic Odyssey 2: Day 8

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FINALLY MY DARLING By now it’s obvious Finally My Darling is sadly out of the rally. In fact, we’ve tracked backwards! As previously reported, the head was torn out of our original Lagoon mainsail when …

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The Blue Planet Odyssey and Pacific Odyssey fleet meet in Martinique

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The boats Blue Wind and Lovesail arrived yesterday in Le Marin, so now the Blue Planet Odyssey and Pacific Odyssey fleet are now all assembled in Martinique and preparing to begin the grand adventure …

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Atlantic Odyssey 2: Day 7

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THEMI 50 Everything is ok on board, we did a little more south yesterday now again on westerly course.

Ein ruhiger Tag an Bord, eine sehr schöne Dorade ist uns leider im letzten Augenblick …

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Atlantic Odyssey 2: Penny Lane in the Atlantic (Day 6)

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It is now day 6 of Penny Lane’s Atlantic crossing, and we’re only just now beginning to turn her head to the west and the Caribbean. In the early days we were heading south …

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Blue Planet Odyssey At Sea: A Good Run Key West to Montego Bay

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The first Blue Planet Odyssey yachts arrive in Montego Bay, Jamaica today, after a relatively fast passage from Key West on 10th January.

Chapter Two

CHAPTER TWO leaving Key West

14th January Passing …

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Atlantic Odyssey 2: Day 5 & 6

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THEMI 50 Heute zeigt sich der Atlantik bewölkt, grau in grau und manchmal mit etwas Regen. Ein ruhiger Tag, morgen gibt es ja wahrscheinlich – wenn wir wie bisher weiterkommen – das Bergfest, die halbe …

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Blue Planet Odyssey Yachts Leave Key West

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In a fresh northeasterly wind the Blue Planet Odyssey yachts left Stock Island Village Marina at 12 noon on Saturday 10th January.

Boats leaving Key West

Leading the fleet out of the marina was …

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Atlantic Odyssey 2: Day 3

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THEMI 50 No good news from Themi today, the parasailor hailyard is broken. Took us 1 hour to bring it out of the sea back on deck. We will continue with only white sails. Most …

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Atlantic Odyssey 2: Premières nouvelles

9 January 2015


SUNRISE waving the Atlantic Odyssey flag

Zwischenzeitlich bin ich versöhnt mit den Naturgewalten, nach Sonnenaufgang schwächte der Wind weiter ab. Tagsüber hatten wir um die 20 Knoten. Wir kommen …

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Press Release: Blue Planet Odyssey Fleet Gets Ready to Set Sail

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Photo: Jan Irons – Cruising World

A fleet of yachts will leave Key West in Florida and Martinique on 10 January 2015, as part of the Blue Planet Odyssey round the world …

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Pressemitteilung: Die Atlantic Odyssey II startet mit 13 Yachten aus 11 Nationen

Alle 57 Segler, die mit der Atlantic Odyssey II in der Marina La Palma auf der gleichnamigen Insel La Palma am 8.1.2015 nach Martinique gestartet sind, wollten die …

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Blue Planet Odyssey and Pacific Odyssey Sailors Ready to Go

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Preparations are underway to leave at noon on Saturday.

Last night a detailed skippers briefing was held with information on sailing to the next destinations: Montego Bay, Jamaica, San Blas Islands and Shelter Bay Marina, …

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Cruising World: 'Countdown to the Blue Planet Odyssey Rally!'

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Nice announcement of Blue Planet Odyssey on Cruising World website (Don’t miss the slideshow!)

The Blue Planet Odyssey comes to life in Key West

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The fleet of Blue Planet Odyssey and Pacific Odyssey yachts are getting ready to leave on the greatest adventure of their lives on 10th January 2015. The first leg of the Odyssey will …

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VIDEO: The Atlantic crossing of SEA DRAGON

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An all-women crew sailed on 72-foot sailboat SEA DRAGON as part of the Atlantic Odyssey 2014. They conducted scientific research while sailing, exploring the global issue of plastics, toxics and interconnections between environmental and human …

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La Palma: preparations make good progress two days before the start

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The days pass by at Marina La Palma, between preparations for departure and the events organized for the Atlantic Odyssey and the traditional Twelfth Night celebrations..

Q&A forum

A seminar took place …

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Launch of the Atlantic Odyssey 2, La Palma - Martinique

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After the first day of the opening of the l’Atlantic Odyssey office in Marina La Palma, and the first safety checks of boats, a joyful and friendly welcome party, marked the real launch …

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A Winter Passage to Florida

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Having spent two months in Annapolis, Maryland, the week before Christmas Aventura left southbound for Key West, in South Florida. We had a good sail down Chesapeake Bay with good winds on a cold, but …

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