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World Cruising Destinations
World Cruising Series

An Inspirational Guide to All Sailing Destinations
Jimmy and Doina Cornell

  • English
  • 2022
  • 3rd edition
  • 448 pages
  • Édition française
  • E-book not available in USA


This book is like sitting down with a trusted friend who not only has been everywhere you want to go, but knows what you need and like, and has kept meticulous notes, saving you countless hours of homework.
Cruising World

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Now been updated in a new third edition, this substantial handbook profiles every cruising destination in the world.

Covering 184 countries, Jimmy and Doina Cornell provide all the information you need in order to decide where to visit, what preparations to make before you arrive, and what to expect when you get there. Lavishly illustrated with beautiful photographs, and inspiring as well as practical, this is a cruising reference like no other.

Every destination is detailed comprehensively, with information on:

  • History, culture and cruising attractions
  • Climate — average temperatures, rainfall and tropical storm seasons
  • Ports of entry
  • Formalities — documents, visas and  permits
  • Facilities — marinas, boatyards, fuel and chandleries
  • Charter operators.
  • Useful cruising guides and websites.
  • Emergency contact information.

World Cruising Destinations is not only an indispensable onboard  for long distance sailors, but will undoubtedly inspire the adventurous to sail where they have never sailed before.

Ideal for planners and dreamers as well as those on extended cruises, this is the essential one-stop reference guide.

This third edition has been extensively revised to bring it up to date with changes to formalities and facilities around the world in the past few years.

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World Cruising Destinations” 2nd edition

  • 448 pages
  • Paperback
  • Dimensions: 23.6 x 18.7 cm / 9.5 x 8 “
  • Publisher in UK: Adlard Coles
  • 2022
  • ISBN: 9781472991010
  • Publisher in USA: Cornell Sailing Ltd
  • 2022
  • ISBN: 978-1-9160910-6-1

deutsch “Traumreviere und Segelziele weltweit”

  • Edition Maritim
  • 2011
  • ISBN: 978-3892256380
  • Mehr info

français “Destinations de grande croisière “ 1ère édition

  • Editeur : Cornell Sailing Ltd
  • 2014
  • ISBN : 978-0-9572626-5-2
  • Plus d’info

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While World Cruising Routes will help you to avoid being in the wrong place at the wrong time, World Cruising Destinations will tell you what you may find once you reach your destination. And this for 184 countries!!
Superb photographs, excellent layout make it a joy to read.
Reader’s review on Amazon

An indispensable addition to the cruising sailor’s library.
Yachting World

The most complete and practical handbook… full of what every cruiser needs to know and an inspiration to those who dream to sail away
Seven Seas Cruising Association

Essential for cruisers worldwide, whether planning a circumnavigation or a two-week cruise.

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Jimmy and Doina Cornell

Doina and Jimmy Cornell, St John’s Newfoundland

Doina and Jimmy Cornell, St John’s Newfoundland

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