
The Atlantic Odyssey draws to an end with a farewell party

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The safe conclusion of the Atlantic Odyssey was celebrated on Tuesday evening at the Barbados Yacht Club.

As in all Odysseys every child received a special diploma to mark their achievement of an Atlantic crossing by conferring on them the title of Young Argonaut.

It took some effort to gather all 18 children for a group photo.

The success of the Atlantic Odyssey provided a good opportunity to thank the sponsor of the event, Barbados Tourism Marketing (BTMI).

Devon Chase, BTMI Director of Sports, is presented with a souvenir plaque in recognition for his contribution to the success of this event.

Rhonnelle Smith, Business Development Officer, is thanked by Jimmy Cornell for her continuing efforts.

Former senator Peter Gilkes has dedicated the last decade to bringing a number of prestigious sailing events to Barbados, among them also the various transatlantic rallies organised by Cornell Sailing Events.

Chris Swallow, who took part in the first Atlantic Odyssey on his yacht Tom Tom, and continued all the way around the world, recrossed the Atlantic this time on Akouavi.

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