After exactly three weeks at sea, two more Atlantic Odyssey arrived in Barbados this morning.
Both the American Enjoy and the British Bonaire crossed the finishing line soon after first light and were guided to the new reception dock in the Shallow Draught area of the commercial harbour.

Arrival Enjoy

Crew of Enjoy

Andy Porter and his multi-function tender- welcome boat, docking stand-by, emergency tug
All arriving boats are met on the finishing line by local sailor Andy Porter and his team.

Arrival Bonaire

Crew of Bonaire
Clearance formalities are completed on arrival with quarantine, customs and immigration officials being on station at the new facility.

Crew of Element landing the garbage kept on board to be disposed of on arrival
The new facility, provisionally referred to as the Barbados 50 marina, is a convenient point of arrival in Barbados as it has laundry facilities, showers and garbage disposal containers.
The facility was set up for the arrival of the Barbados 50 Odyssey, but is now used by all Cornell Sailing events finishing in Barbados.
At least four more boats are expected to arrive tomorrow, Sunday: Sta Vast, Richard Parker, Silver Lining and Careka.
- Follow the progress of the fleet on this live tracking map
- View more arrival photos on Facebook
The Atlantic Odyssey is sponsored by Barbados Tourism Marketing and Tenerife Port Authority.