Rochelle and Secchi disk
I created the Secchi disk at my school – Rednock School – in their tech
department. We used the laser cutter to cut the 30cm white disk with two
of my friends (Rochelle and Katie). The school was really excited about
helping us and it just shows how much schools are interested in what
their pupils are doing outside their school.

Tape measure and weight

Katie with finished disk
The Secchi disk is used to measure the Secchi depth which shows how
clear (the opacity) of the water which can suggest how much plankton is
in the water as lots of plankton can make the water murky. We’re going
to try and beat the current record of 79.5 metres, although it will be hard.
But where’s the fun without a challenge?
See also:
Secchi in ice, by Nera Cornell