Aventura Zero Logs , News

Landfall in Tenerife

Aventura Zero

Journal 5

28 November 2020

Landfall! As we sighted the massive bulk of Tenerife from 37 miles distance we realised that our slow eight-day passage from Seville was getting close to its completion. This had been not only a slow passage, but also one of the most frustrating I can remember. We experienced all kinds of winds and weather, from flat calms to gale-force winds, we had days when the recharging system didn’t work as expected and we had to revert to a Spartan lifestyle to save electricity. The satellite communications also broke down and we could not send or receive emails.

Passages to the Canaries at this time of year are known for their favourable NE winds, but not in this case. After experiencing four days of calms in the Med, we didn’t expect to fall into the same trap in the Atlantic. But we did, as a powerful high stationed itself right above our route and for two days we were treated to balmy winds and flat seas, creeping along at 1 to 2 knots. This being the first offshore passage of this voyage, we put into action a drastic energy-saving lifestyle imposed by the limitations of an electric boat.

The recently acquired solar cooker was put to the test, and, to the delight of Michalis, produced two delicious-looking dishes of roast potatoes. The concentrated heat reflected by the concave mirrors onto the cooking cylinder produces temperatures well in excess of 100° Celsius. We managed to cook omelettes, bake vegetables and heat water for coffee. We are now looking forward to baking our first fish dinner… but not at this snail’s speed.

What I like best on ocean passages, even on this kind of passage, is the relaxed atmosphere, and the routine of regular watches and meals. But what I enjoy most is the opportunity to catch up on reading, something that was badly missed during the hectic weeks of preparations. At least this was some consolation for the slow progress we were making.  

Yet another sunset on a flat sea. After all these years, I still love watching the setting sun for the sheer beauty of this daily show. That night the wind came up, albeit from the wrong direction, but at least we were moving. Those of you who have been tracking our progress, or lack of it, must have wondered what we were doing pointing for Africa, rather than Tenerife… and so did we. With a disgraceful sense of humour, if Aeolus does have one, he did send us some wind, and from the right direction, but accompanied by vicious squalls with gale-force gusts. The worst hit us on the last night with a burst of 48 knots. With three reefs in the mainsail and the jib furled to a third of its surface, Aventura took it in her stride and nonchalantly sliced through the waves at 12 knots. Good girl!

Storms never last, do they? Indeed they do and Mother Nature marked its finale with this magnificent display.   

An aerial view of the capital Tenerife with Marina Santa Cruz, our destination, in the centre of the photo, near the bend in the breakwater.

This is where we are docked in this marina so conveniently located in the very centre of this attractive city. An excellent place to have a short rest before we are off again.

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