The combined crews of Maggie, No Regrets and Tahawus celebrating their safe arrival at Marina Jacare, in NE Brazil: Nora, Rob, Mirko, Zeke, Carol, Liam, Martin, Klaudia, Norm
Almost two years after the start in January 2014 of the Blue Planet Odyssey round the world rally, the three remaining yachts are within reach of the great finale of their global adventure. Their Brazilian landfall completed the long South Atlantic leg that had started in early November in Cape Town. While Rob and Carol Harvey of Maggie, and Norm Harlow with Klaudia, Mirko and Martin Zayonc, of Tahawus sailed the traditional route to St Helena, Zeke Holland decided to take No Regrets on a detour to Walvis Bay in Namibia.

Tahawus, Maggie and No Regrets moored at St Helena

St Helena

St Helena
Another detour taken by Tahawus and No Regrets saw them make landfall at Fernando de Noronha, while Maggie preferred to sail directly to Jacare.

Approaching Fernando de Noronha

Exploring Joao Pessoa
The detour to Fernando de Noronha was inspired by James Bellini of Blue Wind, who had arrived there from the Mediterranean. When the Blue Planet Odyssey fleet reached SE Asia at the beginning of this year, the crews of Maggie, No Regrets and Tahawus decided to continue their voyage by way of the Cape of Good Hope route. James Bellini was among the captains who preferred to stay with the original route, but due to the risks still associated with the Red Sea route, they had their boats shipped to the Mediterranean.

James Bellini of Blue Wind
Maggie, No Regrets and Tahawus sailed south to Western Sumatra, Cocos Keeling, Rodrigues, Mauritius and La Reunion. In early September they continued to Durban, in South Africa and successfully negotiated the challenging passage to Cape Town.
In the New Year, No Regrets, Maggie and Tahawus, will leave Brazil bound for Barbados and the Caribbean.