Palmeros (natives of La Palma) pride themselves on living on the most beautiful of the Canary Islands, and refer to their home as La Isla Bonita.

Born on 5 October: Hans-Werner of Xada, Kelly of Jiyu, and Trevor of Witte Kreeft
Few if any of the participants in the Barbados 50 Odyssey would disagree, least of all the three who by an amazing coincidence were each born on 5 October… and spent, in their own words, “a most beautiful time on this most beautiful island.”

Party on Jiyu
Never to miss such an opportunity, Jérôme and Kelly of Jiyu invited all participants to a birthday party on their catamaran, the generous size of this Outremer 51 somehow managing to accommodate all adults… as well as their assorted children.

Trevor in his entertaining element

Jimmy Cornell with José (Pepe) Jaubert, President of the Yacht Club of La Palma
La Isla Bonita may be a most beautiful island, but what is beyond doubt is that its yacht club (Real Club Nautico de La Palma) is the most hospitable nautical establishment in the world. All this is thanks to its president José (Pepe) Jaubert, who opened its doors to our participants, free to enjoy its swimming pools, jacuzzi, sauna, gym, bar, restaurant…
… while the children were invited to a fun day … supplied by a foam canon!
With the two fleets coming together in La Palma, all participants were invited to a dinner party, the tables laid out around the kidney-shaped swimming pool… shaved of foam for this festive occasion!

The children were treated to their own table
The grand finale of the evening took everyone by surprise, when Pepe Jaubert presented Jimmy Cornell with a beautiful souvenir plaque commemorating the 40th anniversary of Aventura’s departure across the Atlantic from that very spot in 1976, at the start of her round the world voyage.
Barbados 50 is sponsored by Barbados Tourism Marketing and Tenerife Port Authority.