Strangetrader leaving Valencia, Spain: Sue & Chris Stitt and Robert & Andrea Schwamberg

Andrea writing the log on our first night sail 20/21 September

Our new parasailor
At present we are in Gibraltar and just had our hydrovane fitted, an amazing bit of kit that is not easy to fit but sounds as if it will be very efficient.
We have also spent the last few weeks sorting the boat out and trying to find green options – our holding tanks being probably the least successful to this point! still hopefully they are now finally fixed …. and no more buckets….
Other equipment is a duogen hydrogenerator/wind vane, another windvane, iridium dome, SSB radio, and all the other antennae etc . and watermaker. It will be interesting to see how self sufficient we can be.
Sue Stitt – S/V Strangetrader