Tous les posts sur : Le Blue Planet Odyssey

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Northwest Passage - Here They Come!

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Arctic Monkey, Lou Morgan’s Exploration 45, has started her long voyage bound for Greenland and Arctic Canada. Accompanied by Zetty and their daughters Zoe, Leah and Rosie this summer they will attempt an east …

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BPO: Deeper Into The Pacific

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The next leg of the Blue Planet Odyssey is now underway as the boats leave Bora Bora after a prolonged cruise through French Polynesia and head off the beaten track to the Northern Cook Islands.

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Tahiti Trash: Recycling Waste

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The Blue Planet Odyssey sailors visited the Fenua Ma recycling plant in Tahiti, part of environmental organisation Fenua Ma, the Société Environnement Polynésien, which aims to maximise recycling throughout French Polynesia as well …

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Blue Planet Odyssey in Tahiti: Trash and Tourism

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Not to be outdone by the Marquesas stopover, an exciting program of events was organised for the Blue Planet Odyssey sailors in Tahiti.

As part of the Blue Planet Odyssey’s ongoing environmental program, sailors …

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Tahiti stopover

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Welcome to the South Seas

The arrival in Tahiti has been a significant event in all our previous round the world rallies, and the Blue Planet Odyssey has been no exception. The participants had …

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Sailors and Solomon Islanders: Working together to take on Climate Change

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Text and photos by Britt Basel, M.Sc., the Climate Change Program Director for OceansWatch.

Oceanswatch is a not-for-profit organisation which runs expeditions on sailing yachts to remote Pacific communities, helping them in practical …

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The Blue Planet Odyssey: Sailing around the world for a good cause

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When my father Jimmy Cornell told me about his idea for a Blue Planet Odyssey I was hooked straightaway. It was 2012 and we were on a plane heading to the States for the Annapolis …

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Aventura on the move again … but not under her own power!

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M.V. Tamper in Golfito

M.V. Tamper

After four weeks of patiently waiting at Fish Hook marina in Golfito, Costa Rica, on Thursday 29 April Aventura was loaded onto M.V. Tamper, a Sevenstar yacht …

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BPO Round-up: A Taste of The Marquesas

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The Blue Planet Odyssey and Pacific Odyssey boats arrived in the Marquesas at the start of April and spent 3 weeks cruising the Marquesas. Enjoy a selection of their musings and impressions as the Polynesian …

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Sailor's Days in the Marquesas

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An exciting program of activities has been organised for the BPO and PO sailors on the stunning Marquesan island of Ua-Pou on the 10th and 11th of April.

A warm Marquesan welcome

The …

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An Extra-Ordinary Act? Deployment in the Pacific: Drifter Buoys & Argo floats

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Thousands of miles from land, in the Pacific Ocean, a simple act has taken place. It might not rock the world, but it deserves to be recognised for being quite extra-ordinary.

Our sailors have deployed …

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A New Attempt on the Northwest Passage?

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Map of Aventura route 2014

After the decision was taken to abandon the passage to Tahiti, rather than transit the Panama Canal again, and sail back to Europe across the Atlantic, a very …

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Aventura Announcement

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On 31 March, while sailing en route to Tahiti, an unexpected matter requiring my presence back home forced me to make a drastic change to my long term plans. So I have decided to …

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First Boats Arrive in the Marquesas

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Blue Wind was the first of the fleet to arrive in Atuona, on the island of Hiva Oa in the Marquesas on Sunday March 29.

Luc Callebaut, who is running the BPO event office in …

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'On passage with Jimmy Cornell' - Charles Doane

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Charles Doane, editor at SAIL Magazine, joined Aventura from Ft Lauderdale to Panama and on through the canal. He reports (on WaveTrain: A Blog About Cruising Sailboats and Other Aquatic Miracles):

1) On …

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Transiting the Panama Canal in record time

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Aventura completed the Panama Canal transit on Sunday afternoon and we are now on our way to Tahiti. We have about 4800 miles ahead of us, which I plan to sail nonstop as we need …

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The challenges facing the Galapagos: perspectives from our sailors

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The Galapagos Islands are a wonderful place to visit, but inevitably increasing numbers of tourists, and a growing resident population, are placing the delicate ecosystem under new pressures. As part of our series …

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Drina on the move again

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After having completed a transit of the Northwest Passage in summer 2014 , Michael Thurston spent the winter on his own, aboard his faithful yacht Drina at Dutch Harbor, in the Aleutian Islands.

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Elusive Trade Winds: BPO Galapagos-Marquesas

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As the boats finish their second week at sea on their passage of nearly 3000 nautical miles, here is a selection from their blogs of their experiences so far after leaving the Galapagos on March …

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We are sailing!

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We are sailing

After several days of calms and very light winds, something that I had never experienced in the Caribbean Sea before, the wind finally came up… as did our Parasailor spinnaker. Dave …

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What our sailors found out about the Galapagos: in their own words

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We continue our reports from the Galapagos Islands with some more highlights from our sailors’ blogs. Dena Singh, Libby

Land iguana – Photo: LIBBY

The Galapagos are a phenomenal place where the Humboldt and …

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Friday excitement

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This is the first Friday on Aventura’s first long passage in 2015. All morning I was wondering what was going to break because on many occasions whenever something broke on the boat, it was almost …

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Galapagos round up: Memories are made of this

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On Tuesday 10 March the Blue Planet Odyssey fleet sailed west, leaving the Galapagos Islands behind after a memorable two week stay, first stopping at Baquerizo Moreno on San Cristobal and then Pursuit Puerto Ayora …

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Aventura's Crew Ready For Next Adventure

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We left Fort Lauderdale Monday afternoon bound for Panama, with about 1100 miles still to go. After transiting the canal, we plan to sail nonstop to Tahiti, about 4500 miles. In Tahiti we shall join …

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Impressions from Vanuatu

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Jimmy Cornell is currently en route to Panama onboard Aventura. As the terrible destruction wreaked by Cyclone Pam hit Vanuatu, one of the places the Blue Planet Odyssey

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